To Yosemite

Today we left our quiet retreat in Carmel. Time for a final shot of us on the balcony with the Pacific just visible behind us and a few pics along the Scenic Drive (yes the road is actually called that) running alongside the beach. En route to Yosemite we came across the fascinating and huge

Yosemite Valley

Today was spent exploring this spectacular National Park. As we left our overnight stop at Yosemite View lodge, Kate noticed the smell of woodsmoke in the air so we enquired at the gate, and they confirmed that fires were at large in the park! but thankfully managed and well away from the tourist areas. We

June Lake in August

After a hearty breakfast in a great American diner opposite our motel, we explored June Lake village. Then drove the scenic loop road past Silver lake where we stopped for a walk and chatted with an older couple from San Diego on their annual fishing pilgrimage, and he pulled in a Rainbow Trout as we